Are you ready to embrace more simplicity in your life?

Learn HOW to make money online and start earning as an affiliate.

Are you ready to simplify your life so you have more time for the important things or just another way to expand your income? Our FREE masterclass is the first step for the regular human on your journey to a simpler life.


When you watch the masterclass you will learn:

  • The 6 mistakes you need to be aware of (or might even be already making) that can stop you from ever earning a dollar online...


  • The 3 steps that make up a time freedom framework for all aspiring affiliate marketers! What you actually need to build to 'replace' yourself, and make sales *without* being present.


  • How it's possible to build a multi-6-figure online business without having a product/service of your own to sell





What does a life of simplicity look like for you?


Spending time in nature


Practicing more self care


Learning a new skill

I've always had a natural affinity for the slow life. From a young age, I could always be found out in nature with a book in my hand, dog by my side, and face turned to the sky. Even now, there is something I find so magical about taking my journal down to the beach and watching the ocean waves as they crash. It feels freeing. But that was not the feeling I would equate with my life a year ago.


I liked my job as a teacher but I still counted down the days holidays and I wanted to be able to be there to take care of my aging parents when they were unwell, instead of working out if I could afford another day without pay. Then I came across an ad for the Freedom Formula, who helped me rewrite my money beliefs and show me how to make an income from anywhere and still live the life I craved. Their courses made taking the what i considered to be a huge step to give myself time freedom, seem not only possible and realistic, but it inspired me to tell others as well. And if I can do it, so can you. 


You can have the wealth you dream of and a slow an fulfilling life. You just have to say yes.